Postpartum Haemorrhage:
CELOX™ PPH Gauze retrospective data analysis report (Charité data).
Henrich, W, Dückelmann A, Giroud D, Sarr Y. Version 1.1 – 19 May 2022.
Retrospective analysis study (n=102)
- Assessment of 102 patients with PPH who did not respond to conventional treatments
- Primary objective: to control uterine bleeding in PPH with CELOX™ PPH
- CELOX™ PPH demonstrated 100% successful haemostasis in all patients with grade 1 and 2 bleeds (up to 2500mls) for all deliveries
- CELOX™ PPH demonstrated 95.7% successful haemostasis in all patients with grade 1 to 3 bleeds (up to 8000mls) for vaginal deliveries
- Following the introduction of CELOX™ PPH the incidence of hysterectomies was significantly reduced (versus standard of care) by 77.8%